A planning application has been submitted for land adjoining Sacombe Road, to vary plans that were approved in February 2019.
“3/20/1809/NMA | A non-material amendment to planning permission ref: 3/18/0572/FUL – Variations to approved house types to reflect alternative method of construction. | Land Adjoining Sacombe Road Waterford Hertford Herts”
We have submitted the following response:
- The land above is within the Bengeo Neighbourhood Plan Area. The Regulation 16 consultation closed on the 10 September and the draft Plan is currently at the examination stage.
- Residents have expressed concern about the condition of this land and are keen for progress to be made in it being developed for housing.
- The proposed revisions, including the replacement of the two-bedroom dwellings with three-bedroom ones, the use of different building materials, and the revised external designs, look to be materially different to those approved under planning application 3/18/0572/FUL.
- A Neighbourhood Plan response was not submitted to the March 2018 planning application (Ref: 3/18/0572/FUL) as the draft Neighbourhood Plan policies were not published until June 2019.