Land Adjoining Sacombe Road

A planning application has been submitted for land adjoining Sacombe Road, to vary plans that were approved in February 2019.

“3/20/1809/NMA | A non-material amendment to planning permission ref: 3/18/0572/FUL – Variations to approved house types to reflect alternative method of construction. | Land Adjoining Sacombe Road Waterford Hertford Herts”

We have submitted the following response:

  1. The land above is within the Bengeo Neighbourhood Plan Area. The Regulation 16 consultation closed on  the 10 September and the draft Plan is currently at the examination stage. 
  2. Residents have expressed concern about the condition of this land and are keen for progress to be made in  it being developed for housing.  
  3. The proposed revisions, including the replacement of the two-bedroom dwellings with three-bedroom ones,  the use of different building materials, and the revised external designs, look to be materially different to  those approved under planning application 3/18/0572/FUL. 
  4. A Neighbourhood Plan response was not submitted to the March 2018 planning application (Ref:  3/18/0572/FUL) as the draft Neighbourhood Plan policies were not published until June 2019.

Waterford Wick

Tarmac ecological houses proposal on the land off the Sacombe Road (past Vicarage Lane) is now officially called The Waterford Wick. If you are interested to find out more about the most recent developments with the proposal – there is a stakeholder meeting in Bengeo Parish Church Hall for Wednesday 17th January – for a meeting from about 18:30 – 20:00 hrs.

More information is available on the Molewood Resident Association website at: