Response to Sacombe Road planning variance

We have submitted a response to an application to vary the approved plan for the construction of 8 homes in Sacombe Road.

The proposal is: “Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans), 9 (Landscaping), 10 (Fencing and hedges) and 12 (external materials) of planning permission: 3/18/0572/FUL (Construction of 8 sustainable homes on land previously used as storage depot and associated vehicle / machinery workshops) – Provision of gables, bay windows and timber framed porches. Internal layouts amended.”

The response of the Bengeo Area Neighbourhood Plan is:

  1. The land above is within the Bengeo Neighbourhood Plan Area. The draft Plan is currently at the  Examination stage. 
  2. On the 6 October 2020, a response to application 3/20/1809/NMA was submitted to  East Herts District Council by the Neighbourhood Plan Chair. 
  3. The applicant’s request for a variation to Conditions 2, 9,10 and 12 of planning permission  3/18/0572/FUL is noted and we await the planning department’s decision.