Inaugural Meeting

We would like to invite you to the inaugural meeting of BNAP Working Groups on Wednesday 26th July 2017 at Bengeo Primary School.

The Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Plan (BNAP) is an opportunity for local people to shape the development and growth of the area and set planning policies to determine planning applications.

We are now looking to establish Working Groups to focus on issues identified as important in recent public consultation. Residents, organisations and businesses are welcome to find out more about the Neighbourhood Plan process, help us determine the initial themes for BNAP Working Groups, and volunteer to join a Working Group.

In the consultation so far, issues raised included:

  • residential developments
  • affordable housing
  • the need to protect green spaces
  • transport
  • parking
  • culture hub
  • leisure/sport amenities
  • community services.

We would like to set up a number Working Groups to begin the work of looking in detail at each of the areas that people have told us are important, drawing up a good picture of the current position on issues, and then considering options, which we can take forward through the Neighbourhood Plan.

This is your opportunity to have a say about the future developments in your community. Come and help shape the future of Bengeo Ward!

Please let us know if you are planning to come – this is an interactive session and it will help us to know if you are coming. Please also let us know if you are interested to join the working groups but can’t come to the launch event so we can keep you posted – the form is here.