We have submitted a detailed response to the 2023-28 Action Plan for Hartham Common.
We have suggested that all paths are evaluated for suitability of expanding the cycling network particularly the path from St. Leonard’s Church through The Warren to Port Hill.
We have also suggested improvements to woodland fringes and seeding with meadow grass and wildflower mix to improve the suitability for wildlife. Woodland fringes are key areas for birds and other wildlife.
We have also endorsed a suggestion from Save Beane Marshes that areas of the Beane used for paddling should seek to be designated “bathing water”. A “bathing water” is a coastal or inland water that attracts a large number of bathers. If a site is designated the Environment Agency must put plans in place to monitor and protect the bathing water. Thereby putting more pressure on the Environment Agency to improve water quality for the benefit of both local people and local nature.
We have also suggested additional CCTV near the skate park to deter anti-social behaviour. Better provision for teenagers. Some parking slots in the Port Hill car park allocated to local businesses or residents.
You can read our full response here.