Developer Durkan have submitted a planning application for the discharge of the planning condition requiring a Travel Plan to be provided for the residential development on the former Bengeo Nursery site in Sacombe Road.
We have responded to the application, making the observations below.
Our full response can be found here:
- The Travel Pack information has incorrect information on the 333-bus service. The circular Hertford Bengeo 333 bus services is provided by Trustybus, not Centrebus. The link to Centrebus should be replaced with a link to the county council’s Interlink page – which provides the latest bus travel information in Hertfordshire (subject to links being current at the time the travel pack is issued to residents). The ‘Centrebus’ label, on the image of the bus, should be removed.
- It’s noted that the revised travel pack includes scannable QR codes for local walking and cycling routes. In the ‘Walking’ section of the pack, reference to Hertfordshire Health Walks should be included.
- Information on local cycle shops could be included in the pack. We recommend that Paul Basham Associates seek advice from Kirstie Feasey at Hertford Cycle Hub on this, and that they confirm that the Cycle Hub is operational at the time of going to press with the travel pack.
- The map in the ‘Walking’ section of the pack should include walking routes from the HERT4 site to Hertford North Station. This could include a route along The Avenue, down the ‘Molewood steps’, along Molewood Road and on to the station via Beane Road. Alternative walking routes to the station should be included, avoiding the steps.
- Given traffic volumes in the Neighbourhood Plan Area, the pack should make it clear that the lower Bengeo roads via Cross Road and Beane Road have ‘except for access’ restrictions, with additional, time limited, ‘no right turn ‘ restrictions from Bengeo Street onto Cross Road.
- The pack could include links to the Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Plan website and to the Love Bengeo Facebook page.
What is a Travel Pack?
Local authorities often make it a condition of planning approval that developers provide “travel packs” (also known as “travel plans”).
The aim of a travel pack is primarily to promote and encourage a move
toward sustainable travel by those moving into new residential developments.
Throughout the planning process, and in line with current government planning policy, measures that would aim to develop sustainable links from new developments, including extended bus service provision, improved cycling and walking links and access to travel information, are agreed to by the
With the physical infrastructure in place, the intention is that each new resident is made fully aware of the travel choices available and is given the best possible opportunity to consider more sustainable modes of travel.
Through the Residential Travel Pack, developers should aim to provide sufficient information that would allow residents to make informed travel choices, and be given the incentive to try new modes of travel either via discounted travel passes or travel vouchers.
Additionally, as a means to encouraging modal shift away from private car use, the health and economic benefits of non-car based travel should also be identified.
What does it mean to “discharge” a planning condition?
There are often conditions attached to planning permissions that need further details to be submitted and approved by the council at certain stages of the development. This process is called ‘discharge of conditions’.