Following a meeting of the District Council’s Executive Committee on Tuesday 27th June, the Council has approved the designation of Bengeo Ward as a Neighbourhood Area.
County Councillor Andrew Stevenson commented: “The timeliness of developing a Bengeo Neighbourhood Plan is important because there are a number of significant planning and transport consultations and events during the next 9 months. The timely development of a Neighbourhood plan will enable a co-ordinated input into these activities, even if the formal aspects of the Neighbourhood Plan has not been concluded. These consultations and activities include:
East Herts District Local Plan adoption, Hertfordshire Local Transport Plan and Hertfordshire Minerals Plan consultation. the Govia consultation on their 2018 rail timetable, and this include a proposal to remove the rail link between Hertford and Stevenage , which would have a substantial adverse effect on Bengeo and beyond.”