Business Owners – We Need Your Input

Business owners in the Bengeo Ward are invited to attend the next meeting of the BNAP Business Working Group on Thursday 9th November at the Millbridge Rooms in The Wash.

The Business Working Group seeks to gather input, opinion and advice from all of the business owners within the Ward to ensure their views, ideas and needs are accurately represented. In short, it is your opportunity to ‘have your say’ and help shape Bengeo Ward for businesses both now and in the future.

» View Leaflet (PDF)

Forthcoming Working Group Meetings

We have five working group meetings currently scheduled.

Our Natural Environment and Green Spaces Working Group will discuss considerations such as the disused railway, Bengeo quarry, leisure & recreation and play areas in Bengeo Ward on Tuesday 26th September (venue TBC).

Our Homes & Development Working Group will meet at The Greyhound in Bengeo Street  on Wednesday 27th September at 8pm.

Our Traffic & Transport Working Group will meet at The White Lion in Bengeo Street on Wednesday 27th September at 7:30pm.  Some of the key considerations include the sustainable transport in Bengeo (cycle lanes, bus services, etc), parking issues, pedestrian concerns, speed limits, B158 and through Bengeo traffic, etc. Volunteers who would like to be involved in looking for future solutions in Bengeo are most welcome to join.

Our Business Working Group  will met at 3-5 Cowbridge  on Friday 29th September at 6pm.  We would like to hear from businesses, retailers, and employers big and small in Bengeo Ward (which includes St Andrew St, north of North Road, and Three Lakes). Have your say and help shape the Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Plan for the next 15 years.

Finally, our Culture & Community Working Group will me at The Greyhound in Bengeo Street on Thursday 12th October at 7:30pm.

Please get in touch if you are interested in either of these Working Groups.

Join Our Working Group Meetings

We have two working group meetings coming up – for Natural Environment & Green Spaces and Culture & Community.

Our Natural Environment and Green Spaces Working Group will discuss considerations such as the disused railway, Bengeo quarry, leisure & recreation and play areas in Bengeo Ward on Tuesday 26th September (venue TBC).

Our Culture & Community Working Group will meet on Tuesday 19th September. We also warmly welcome representatives of organisations, churches, scouts, art organisations, associations etc.

Please get in touch if you are interested in either of these Working Groups.